To hit the jackpot one day and win a lot of money – that is the dream of many male and female gamblers and also their main motivation for gambling at the slot machines. But how do men and women differ in Bob Casino?
Main Motivation For Gambling
Many people love the thrill, relaxation and distraction that gambling in a casino offers. According to a recent survey by the Federal Center for Health Education, winning money is the main motive for 71 percent of women and men to participate in gambling.
Beyond that, however, men and women are concerned with very different things when gambling – even when they play the same game. Accordingly, women give less importance than men to almost all the gambling motives surveyed. Only the motive of winning money is comparably strong.
Women Prefer Gambling
According to studies, men place more value on competition. They want to score and win – to be celebrated as heroes. Women place more importance on the social aspect and communication when gambling. A comparison between male and female players shows that men are generally more inclined to play games of skill than women – probably because they have more confidence in their own skills and knowledge.
This is particularly evident when it comes to sports, where men are predominantly interested in demonstrating their knowledge and skills. According to a survey by the Federal Center for Health Education, almost four times as many men as women participate in sports betting in Germany. Accordingly, men are more likely to be found in betting shops and at the racetrack.
More Men Participate in Gambling.
The ratio is also 3 and 3.6 (men) to 1 (women) for privately organized gambling and casino or slot machine games on the Internet. TV lotteries, on the other hand, are more in demand among women than men. Overall, around 45 percent of men and around 34 percent of women took part in games of chance last year. In principle, therefore, more men than women participate in gambling.
The Reasons For Gambling
In general, men give more reasons for gambling than women: In particular, the motives “relaxation,” “knowing one’s way around” (one’s own competence) and “distraction” are mentioned more than twice as often as by female respondents. However, the “desire to win money” and “wanting to have fun” are still the main motives for gambling – for both men and women.
The Typical Gambler
Studies show that the typical gambler is a man in his 30s who also likes to smoke and drink. In any case, 80 percent of gamblers are said to be male. The proportion of women is correspondingly lower. However, according to the latest studies, they also only start gambling ten years later.
Further Differences
The gambling behavior of men and women differs, however, not only in their motivation. While women are concerned about safety and tend to risk lower amounts, men quickly tend to place higher stakes. Men prefer to play with real money, while women prefer to play money. Women are also more likely to trust their luck.
The Problems
A gender difference is also evident in the negative effects that gambling can have: the majority of pathological gamblers are men. Women, on the other hand, participate in gambling less often and it causes them problems less often. Female gamblers with problem gambling behavior are known to start gambling later on average than men, but then slide more quickly into addictive behavior.

The most striking difference in the pathological gambling behavior of men and women is that men slide into gambling addiction at a younger age. While the peak age for men seeking treatment is between 30 and 39 years, the affected women are on average ten years older. However, the faster progression of pathological female gamblers means that they have to deal with serious consequential problems such as over-indebtedness, alienation from their social environment and problems with their self-image in a shorter period of time.