VDO is a great tool for creating a virtual storage area that can be used by virtual machines to store their disk images. The VDO volumes can provide a number of benefits over the standard virtual disk files (.vmdk/.vhd/.vdi) that are generated by the various hypervisors. This article provides the steps to create, format, and extend a Virtual Data Optimizer volume using the Cockpit Web Console in CentOS/RHEL 8.
One of the very useful features in Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO), is the ability to create/format/extend VDO volumes via the Cockpit Web Console. This blog will detail how to create/format/extend VDO volumes using the Cockpit Web Console in CentOS/RHEL 8. It will be assumed that you have already created a Virtual Data Optimizer volume(s) in VDO Manager for CentOS/RHEL 8.
This article describes how to configure the Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) through the Cockpit Web Console.
Creation of VDO volumes
1. Call up the OL 8 cockpit web console.
2. Memory of the mouthpiece.
3. Click on the + symbol in the VDO device field.
4. In the Name field, enter the name of the VDO volume without spaces.
5. Select the player.
6. Define the size of the VDO volume in the Logical size line.
7. In the Index memory line, assign the memory for the VDO volume.
8. Select the Compression option. This option allows you to efficiently reduce files of different sizes.
9. Select the deduplication option. This option reduces memory usage by eliminating multiple copies of duplicate blocks.
10. Optional] To use the VDO volume with applications that require a block size of 512 bytes, select Use 512-byte emulation.
11. Click on the Create button.
If the VDO volume has been created successfully, the new VDO volume is visible under Storage and can be formatted with the file system.
VDO Volume Format
1. Click on the new VDO volume.
2. Click on the Unrecognized Data tab.
3. Click on Format.
4. Select Delete from the drop-down menu:
Do not overwrite existing data
The OL Web Console only overwrites the disk header. The advantage of this option is the speed of formatting.
Overwriting existing data with zeros
The OL Web Console overwrites the entire disk with zeros. This option is slower because the program has to search the entire hard disk. Use this option if there is data on the disk that needs to be overwritten.
5. Select the file system from the Type drop-down menu:
The XFS file system supports large logical volumes, online replacement of physical disks without crashing and growth. Leave this file system selected unless you have a strong preference. XFS does not support volume shrinkage. It is therefore not possible to reduce a volume formatted in XFS. The ext4 file system supports logical volumes, online switching of physical disks without stopping, growing and shrinking. You can also choose the version with LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) encryption, which allows you to encrypt the volume with a passphrase.
6. Enter a name for the logical volume in the Name field.
7. Choose Custom from the Edit drop-down menu. The Default option does not guarantee that the file system will be mounted on the next boot.
8. In the Mount Point field, add the mount path.
9. Choose Mount on startup.
10. Click on Format. Formatting may take several minutes, depending on the formatting options used and the size of the disk. Once the operation is complete, the details of the formatted VDO volume are visible in the File System tab.
11. To use the VDO volume, press the Mount button. At this point, the system uses the VDO volume that has been inserted and formatted.
VDO volume expansion
1. Click on the VDO volume in the VDO Devices block.
2. Press the Grow button in the VDO volume information.
3. In the Increase logical size of VDO volume dialog box, increase the logical size of the VDO volume.
4. Click on the Grow button.
If the PSO growth operation was successful, the new size is visible in the PSO volume information.
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