The contamination with the ransom of GandCrab 5.2 is a serious problem, leading to denial of access to data and terrible blackmail.
Most people who are more or less familiar with computer security have heard of ransom programs. This despicable phenomenon has been in the news for years. However, few people are aware of the real consequences of such an attack, unless they have been hit at least once. Valuable digital memories in the form of photos and videos, but also valuable work files and tons of other personal information – all of this is suddenly no longer available and no one can restore it. The general reaction is therefore a mixture of panic, despair and outright anger.
This is the thrust of GandCrab 5.2. This variant of the ransom demand most discussed today appeared a few days after the release of a free decoder commissioned by researchers. Here’s the problem: The recovery tool hacks GandCrab mods up to version 5.1, but it is totally ineffective in deciphering this output due to some urgent bug fixes by fraudsters. It is the cryptographic implementation that underwent the most tangible changes in the latest version.
GandCrab 5.2, make a joke with the victim’s files.
Most of the characteristics of GandCrab 5.2 show close similarities with the peculiarities of its predecessors or do not differ at all. It always uses a random extension for the host files, generating the string uniquely for each infected computer. The length of this victim identification is variable and varies between 5 and 10 characters. When any file is encrypted, it takes a form similar to this one: Shark.png.iblkoqnt – Write down the victim-specific extension after the original filename. Another important element of the attack is the ransom demand, which is created on the desktop and in the folders with the captured files. The name consists of the above file extension in capital letters plus the words DECRYPT or MANUAL (e.g. IBLKOQNT-DECRYPT.txt). The different structures of the title and file extensions of this document, which can occur in nature, are explained by the fact that GandCrab 5.2 is distributed by different groups of cyber criminals under the auspices of the same RaaS (Ransomware as a Service).
GandCrab 5.2 Decryption page
In addition to these signs of compromise, the attack comes with the replacement of the desktop background. Infection builds a new one, which says encoded by GandCrab 5.2. Dear [username], your files are protected by our software. You have to buy a decryptor for recovery. For the following steps, read the [VICTIM ID]-DECRYPT.txt file located in each encrypted folder. In fact, that’s exactly what she says. The user is invited to visit his personal decryption page in the Tor-browser. The resource requirements state the exact amount of the fee, which can vary from USD 600 to USD 1,200. There is a payment term of 7 days. After the deadline, the ransom will be doubled.
GandCrab 5.2 mainly does rounds without malicious spam. Target users receive malicious Word documents disguised as a request for information, an invoice, a job offer, or any other curious file. When a nested object is opened, the receiver is asked to activate macros, otherwise they cannot see the content. It’s a trap that triggers a backstage ransom scenario. This specific option also extends to hacked remote desktop services and operating kits that use unprecedented software to unload loads. After all, the consequences are just as serious, regardless of the method of distribution. To understand them, follow the recommendations below and take extra precautions to avoid such raids in the future.
Automatic removal of ransom virus GandCrab 5.2
For the control of such infections, the use of a reliable cleaning agent is a good start. Enabling this workflow ensures that every element of the ransom is found and destroyed from the affected computer.
1. Download and install the cleaning program and click the Start scan computer button.
Download the GandCrab removal tool 5.2
2. It’s worth the wait. Once the scan is completed, you will see a report listing all the malicious or potentially unwanted items detected on your PC. Click on the Correct Threats option to automatically remove the purchased Trojans from your computer. The following steps are designed to recover encrypted files.
GandCrab 5.2 Recovering Encrypted FilesRedemption
Removing the infection itself is only part of the solution, because the personal data entered will remain encrypted wherever they are. Browse the methods described below and try them out to get a chance to recover the files.
Option 1: The
Cloud Backup works perfectly when it comes to solving a ransom attack. When storing backups on an external site, simply use the appropriate function of your backup service provider to restore all encrypted items.
Option 2:
Recovery Tools A study of the GandCrab 5.2 virus reveals an important fact about the way it handles victim data: It deletes the original files and the copies are actually encrypted. We now know that not everything that is removed from the computer disappears completely and can be removed from memory using certain techniques. Recovery applications can do this, so this method is definitely worth a try.
Download Data Recovery Pro
Option 3: Shadow Copies
The Windows operating system includes a technology called Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) that allows files or volumes to be backed up automatically. One of the most important conditions for this is the inclusion of the system recovery function. If it was active, certain data segments can be successfully restored.
You can perform this task using previous versions of the functions integrated in the operating system or using special applications that perform this task automatically.
- Function of previous versions
Right-click on the file and select Properties from the context menu. Find the Previous Versions tab and click on it to view the latest autobackup you have made. Depending on the action, click Restore to restore the file to its original location, or click Copy and specify a new folder. Function - Shadow Explorer Applet
Surprisingly easy to manage previous versions of files and folders with automated tools such as Shadow Explorer. The use of this program is free of charge. Download and install it, let it create a file hierarchy profile on your computer and start the recovery process yourself. You can select a drive name from the list and then right-click on the files or folders to recover them and click Export to continue.
Is the problem gone? See for yourself.
Computer threats such as ransom programs can be more hidden than you think by cleverly tricking their components into a hacked computer to prevent them from being removed. So if you do an extra security scan, you put the icing on the cake when it comes to cleaning.
Download the GandCrab 5.2 scanner and the ransom demand
5/5 (3)
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