Today’s businesses create and collect more data than ever before, and traditional storage methods are not always sufficient.
Many business owners (and teams) find themselves struggling with challenges related to managing, securing, and accessing data effectively.
If you’ve wondered if it’s time to upgrade to professional cloud storage solutions, the following signs indicate it’s time.
You’re Using Multiple Online Data Storage Accounts
Many business owners start out using multiple data storage accounts online because they’re trying to save money on a truly professional storage solution. It’s possible to get a free account from just about every company around, but since the storage limits are low, you have to keep getting more and more accounts. This can get cumbersome really fast for you and your employees.
If you have more than one cloud storage account without a good reason, it’s time to consolidate your files under one professional service that will meet all of your needs. There are many options out there, so it’s crucial to do your own research.
For example, if you compare Backblaze vs. Wasabi, you’ll find that despite being popular, Wasabi has some hidden fees while Backblaze is more transparent. It will take time to transfer your data to a new service and get it organized, but once that’s done, your life will be much easier.
You’re Running Out Of Local Storage Space
If you’re using a strictly local storage system, whether it’s a series of hard drives, local servers, or employee devices, if you’re running out of space, that’s a big sign it’s time to move to the cloud.

Getting “low disk space” warnings, errors when saving files, and full scratch disk warnings are all signs that cloud storage will be of great help to you. You shouldn’t have to constantly delete old files just to make room for new files. You might make the wrong decisions in the moment and regret it later.
If you’re running out of room, or you’re planning to scale, you’re going to eventually need professional cloud storage solutions. So, you may as well get started now.
You Struggle To Access Data Remotely
One of the most beneficial aspects of cloud storage is being able to access your files remotely. It’s not just about being able to download or view your files when you travel, but remote access is what allows you to grant contractors and remote employees access to your data. There’s no better way to facilitate collaboration than to provide a centralized data source for all.
If you’re finding the need to share data with people and it’s a struggle, or you’re stuck sharing files manually, a professional cloud storage account will be an excellent solution.
You’re At Risk Or Have Experienced A Security Breach
Data security breaches can happen at any time, even to cloud storage accounts, but there’s a difference. A professional cloud storage account can be encrypted so that stolen data can’t be read by the thief. It’s not as easy to protect individual hard drives, flash drives, and employee devices the way you can protect a cloud account. In addition to encryption, you can also implement access controls that require users to log in from registered devices, which means stolen credentials can’t be used.
If you’re in an industry that regularly stores sensitive data, like private health information, credit card numbers, addresses, UBIs, social security numbers, and more, you are likely on the hook legally for data protection. This means you can’t afford to risk using data storage methods that aren’t secure.
Your On-Premises Storage System Is Flaky
No matter how much time or money you’ve invested upfront in an on-premises data storage system, if it’s unreliable, it’s not going to support your business.

If you’re experiencing problems that are holding you back, it’s better to cut your losses and move to the cloud where your provider will handle all the ongoing maintenance, upgrades, and support.
It’s Time To Embrace The Cloud
If you’re experiencing any of the above signs, it’s time to get a professional cloud data storage account. Cloud storage offers far better security and convenience than local storage methods, although it’s still wise to keep local backups.
Cloud storage is a cost-effective way to organize data in a way that streamlines workflows and supports employee productivity so teams can focus on what they do best.
Don’t let outdated or limited data storage systems disrupt your business – start using cloud services today.