Swift is a new programming language that Apple announced last year. It is Apple’s answer to the Objective-C language that their company began developing in the 1980s. The main reason that Swift is so much more up to date than Objective-C is because Swift compiles to a machine language known as LLVM.
A day in the life of a web developer might include the following tasks: ✓ Create a new database table ✓ Write code in a swift app to save data from the database table ✓ Validate the values in the database table ✓ Add a custom field to the database table ✓ Create a form in swift using the form builder framework ✓ Add a save button to the form ✓ Add a custom field validator to the form ✓ Validate the values in the database table ✓ Add a validator to the form
Apple’s Swift programming language is a modern programming language that is very efficient and works great with iOS, OS X and watchOS. In this post we will create a simple “check if something is a number” custom field validator that will work with any swift project.
The simplest approach to utilize a custom field validator is to use Field Validator. This is a clever class that allows you to validate fields with just one line of code. It’s a pretty clever code saver class for validating name, password, DOB, password change, email, phone number, and many other things…..
Techniques : 11
- static func isUserCanAbleToLogin(_ userName: String, _ password: String, _ isEmailLogin: Bool = true) -> Bool
- static func isValidData(_ validationModel: [ValidationModel]) -> Bool
- static func isMessageInRange(_ text: String?, _ charMaxLimit: Int, _ message: String) -> Bool
- static func changePassword(currentPassword: String, _ oldPassword: String, _ newPassword: String, _ confirmPassword: String) -> Bool
- static func checkPasswordsSame(_ password1: String, _ password2: String, _ isOldAndCurrent: Bool) -> Bool
- static func isMatchedPasswords(_ password: String?, _ cPassword: String?) -> Bool
- static func isValidPassword(_ text: String?, _ message: String?) -> Bool
- static func isValidMobileNumber(_ text: String?) -> Bool
- static func isValidEmail(_ text: String?) -> Bool
- static func isNotBlank(_ text: String?, _ message: String) -> Bool
- static func isDOB(_ minimumAge: Int = minAge, text: String?, date: Date?) -> Bool
Key features & Use
Check for required fields (such as FirstName, LastName, UserName, and so on) that are not empty.
EX:- Full Name Textfield -> txtFName:
[ValidationModel(validation:.notEmpty, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation:.notEmpty, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation-
Validate the Maximum Character Range of the Message
EX:- Full Name Textfield -> txtFName:
[ValidationModel(validation:.msgRange, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation:.msgRange, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validationEX:- Email Textfield -> txtFEmail:
Return True or False using MIValidation.isValidEmail(txtFEmail.text).
EX:- PhoneNumber Textfield -> txtFPhoneNumber:
Return True or False with MIValidation.isValidMobileNumber(txtFPhoneNumber.text).
Validate your birthdate (Minimum Age Validation)
EX:- DOB Textfield -> txtFDOB:
[ValidationModel(validation:.dateOfBirth, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Date Of Birth”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation:.dateOfBirth, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Date Of Birth”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationEX:- Password Textfield -> txtFPassword:
[ValidationModel(validation:.password, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Password”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation:.password, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Password”)]) MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation-
Examine Equality and Compare
EX:- New Password Textfield -> txtFNewPass and Confirm Password -> txtFCPass :
Return True Or False with MIValidation.checkPasswordsSame(txtFNewPass.text, txtFCPass.text)
Validate the Login Screen’s Credentials
EX:- Email Textfield -> txtFEmail and Password Textfield -> txtFPassword :
— Only use this MIValidation for login validation. isUserAbleToLoginIsUserAbleToLoginIsUserAbleTo (txtFEmail.text, txtFPassword.text) — Indicate whether the answer is True or False.
TextField Value – CurrentPassword = [email protected] is an example. – ConfirmPassword = txtFConfirmPassword – OldPassword = txtFOldPass – NewPassword = txtFNewPass
— Only use this MIValidation to change the password validation. returnTrue or False(currentPassword: “[email protected]”, txtFOldPass.text, txtFNewPass.text, txtFConfirmPass.text)
SignUp Validation using Standard Fields
Validation Array Look, for example
ValidationModel(validation:.msgRange, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”), ValidationModel(validation:.email, value: txtFEmailAddress.text, message: “Blank Email Address”), ValidationModel(validation:.mobileNumber, value: txtFMobileNumber.text, message: “Blank Phone Number”), ValidationModel(validation: — Call Only This MIValidation.isValidData(arrValidationModel) For Sign Up Validation — Return True or False
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